Operating Instructions
*1 Set 4 numbers (0—255) and 3 periods, such as "". Note that
"" and "" are not available.
*2 Set the number of 1—65535.
*3 Enter ASCII characters (see page 145). Note that [Space], ["], ['], [&], [<], [>]
and [:] are not available.
*4 Enter ASCII characters for the host name (see page 145). Note that [Space],
["], ['], [&], [<], and [>] are not available.
*5 You can enter a ASCII characters (see page 145). Note that [Space], ["], ['], [#],
[&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], and [>] are not available.
*6 You can enter a ASCII characters (see page 145) or characters from other
languages (1—15 characters for a 1-byte character and 1—7 characters for a
2-byte character). Note that [Space], ["], ['], [&], [<], and [>] are not available.
*7 You can enter a ASCII characters (see page 145) or characters from other
languages (1—15 characters for a 1-byte character and 1—7 characters for a
2-byte character). Note that [Space], ["], ['], [#], [&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], and [>]
are not available.
*8 [Space] and ["] are not available.
*9 ["] and [:] are not available.