I just downloaded and installed a game. I’m now getting an error that I’m missing a file.
Using Your Zodiac Console 186
6. Tap the Tap to Find button and discover the PC.
7. When the Discover Results screen appears, select the device you want to
connect to from the list, and then tap OK.
NOTE: You will need a username and password to connect to the access point.
I just downloaded and installed a game. I
I just downloaded and installed a game. II just downloaded and installed a game. I
I just downloaded and installed a game. I’m
’m now getting an
now getting an now getting an
now getting an
error that I
error that Ierror that I
error that I’m
’m missing a file.
missing a file. missing a file.
missing a file.
Some games have their own installers instead of using the standard Palm
Install Tool. These installers place all the appropriate files (CFL files) onto the
Zodiac console, either in main memory or on a card. Check the folders in the
downloaded file for an INSTALLER.EXE file and run it. Most games of this type
come with a TXT file with further instructions.
Also make sure the file you are trying to install is not a compressed file, such as
a ZIP or SIT file. If the application is compressed, you must decompress the file
before installing it. Right click the ZIP file, extract all files, and then run the
I’m having trouble establishing a networ
I’m having trouble establishing a networI’m having trouble establishing a networ
I’m having trouble establishing a network connection.
k connection.k connection.
k connection.
If you have problems connecting to a network using TCP/IP, you can display
information to troubleshoot the problem. You can display expanded Service
Connection Progress messages. You can also display the Network Log to see
all communication between your modem and dial-in server during login. This
information can help your ISP or your System Administrator identify where
and why the login communication fails.
In addition, check with your system administrator whether a DNS number is
required. If a number is required but not entered, the connection may fail. If a
DNS number is required but not entered, logging on to your network may
appear successful. However, the connection fails if you try to use an
application or look up information. See page 134 for information on entering
a DNS number.