
Zire™ 31 Handheld 41
CHAPTER 4 Entering Information
How can I enter information?
Graffiti® 2 writing (see below)
The onscreen keyboard
® Desktop software or Microsoft Outlook on your computer
Import information from other applications
Phone Lookup
Note Pad
•Visit www.palmOne.com/myzire31
and click the Accessories link to get an accessory keyboard
(additional fees may apply)
Receive information beamed from another Palm OS® handheld
The most popular methods are using Graffiti 2 writing, the onscreen keyboard, and Palm Desktop
software or Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
Entering information with Graffiti 2 writing
You can enter info directly on your handheld with Graffiti 2 writing. Graffiti 2 writing includes any
character you can type on a standard keyboard. Entering these characters on your handheld is
very similar to the way you naturally write letters, numbers, and symbols. But instead of using a
pen and paper, you use the stylus and the input area on your handheld. With only a few minutes of
practice, you can learn to use Graffiti 2 writing—and help is always only a tap away.