Ruby is a embedded project which can bring the high perfor-
mance in network projection. Base on network protocol, user
can congure the projector remotely. It supports to connect the
PC with Projector by USB, Ethernet, and Wireless. This project
makes full use of the network capability. It allows the admin-
istrator to control all the projectors in one building by one PC.
When some emergencies happen, the projector can send out
alert information to administrator by email and web page. It
can read more than one USB device directly and show all the
images in it
This project consists of three software applications which
make full use of the network and USB capability
• Web Control
• Card Reader
• Optoma Presenter
How to use Web Control
The Web Control application allows user to congure the projec-
tor remotely base on various network protocol. It is convenient for
administrator to control the whole projectors in one building by
one PC.
1. Start the web browser, and enter the IP address of the projector in
URL: http://IP-address, the log-in web page is displayed.
Ruby Introduction