The “MIDI Implementation Chart” on
Page 34 illustrates the details of the key-
board’s MIDI function. An O in the chart
means that the keyboard has this fea-
ture; an X means it does not have this
feature. The following notes explain
what the keyboard can do.
Basic Channel — MIDI uses up to 16
channels to exchange data. As in a TV
broadcast, different channels send dif-
ferent data. The keyboard can send data
in any of 16 channels, but receives data
only on channels 1 through 4 or 10.
Mode — The chart shows that Mode 3 is
OMNI OFF, POLY. This means the key-
board sends and receives polyphonic
data on only one channel at a time.
Note Number — This number repre-
sents each key of the keyboard. The
lowest number (0) is five octaves below
middle C. Since the keyboard’s lowest
note is two octaves below middle C and
the highest is three octaves above mid-
dle C, your keyboard can send note
numbers between 36 and 96 and re-
ceive note numbers from 0 through 127.
The keyboard automatically assigns any
key outside its range to a key within its
key range.
Velocity — This number shows how
fast the key was pressed, or how loud
the note should sound. Pianissimo (1) is
the lowest velocity, Fortissimo (127) is
the loudest. A zero (0) means the key is
released. Your keyboard can send and
receive all volume levels from 0 through
9n — This means that the Note On mes-
sage is 9 hexadecimal, and n is the
channel number.
Pitch Bender — The keyboard receives
(but cannot send) pitch bending signals.
Control Change — This feature sends
data on various controllers, each having
its own number. For the details of each
parameter, see “MIDI Data” on Page 26.
Program Change — This feature
changes the preset sounds. Each sound
number corresponds to a program num-
ber between 0 and 127. For more infor-
mation, see “MIDI Data” on Page 26.
42-4039.fm Page 28 Friday, March 3, 2000 8:55 AM