
Audyssey DSX
Audyssey DSX
Audyssey DSX
is a scalable system
that adds new speakers to improve
surround impression. Starting with a
5.1 system Audyssey DSX first adds
Wide channels for the biggest impact
on envelopment. Research in human
hearing has proven that information
from the Wide channels is much more
critical in the presentation of a realistic
soundstage than the Back Surround
channels found in traditional 7.1
systems. Audyssey DSX then creates
a pair of Height channels to reproduce
the next most important acoustical and
perceptual cues. In addition to these
new Wide and Height channels,
Audyssey DSX applies Surround
Envelopment Processing to enhance
the blend between the front and
surround channels.
Dolby Pro Logic II Movie +
Audyssey DSX
Dolby Pro Logic II Music +
Audyssey DSX
Dolby Pro Logic II Game +
Audyssey DSX
The combination of Dolby Pro Logic II
and Audyssey DSX modes can be
Listening Mode Description Input
Aud ssey DSXy
PL Mov ie DSX
PL Mus ic DSX
THX Founded by George Lucas, THX
develops stringent standards that
ensure movies are reproduced in movie
theaters and home theaters just as the
director intended. THX Modes carefully
optimize the tonal and spatial
characteristics of the soundtrack for
reproduction in the home-theater
environment. They can be used with 2-
channel matrixed and multichannel
sources. Surround back speaker output
depends on the source material and the
selected listening mode.
THX Cinema
THX Cinema mode corrects theatrical
soundtracks for playback in a home
theater environment. In this mode, THX
Loudness Plus is configured for cinema
levels and Re-EQ, Timbre Matching,
and Adaptive Decorrelation are active.
•THX Music
THX Music mode is tailored for listening
to music, which is typically mastered at
significantly higher levels than movies.
In this mode, THX Loudness Plus is
configured for music playback and only
Timbre Matching is active.
•THX Games
THX Games mode is meant for
spatially accurate playback of game
audio, which is often mixed similarly to
movies but in a smaller environment.
THX Loudness Plus is configured for
game audio levels, with Timbre
Matching active.
Listening Mode Description Input
THX Ci nema
Neo 6:THX Mus i c
THX Games