■ DVD-RW (DVD rewritable): A type of DVD disc
that can be recorded over and over again. Can be used for
DVD-Video or DVD-Audio.
■ DVD-Video: The format for storing MPEG2 video
on DVD, with interactive menus, multiple soundtracks,
subtitles, camera angles, and so on.
■ Field: In interlaced scanning, a field is a single scan
of the screen. There are two fields per frame. See Inter-
laced Scanning and Progressive Scanning.
■ Frame: An individual TV picture is called a frame.
With the NTSC color system there are 30 frames per sec-
■ Interlaced scanning: TV pictures are made by
scanning the screen in horizontal lines from top to bot-
tom. With Interlaced scanning, two scans (fields) are
used to make each picture (frame). Contrast with Pro-
gressive scanning.
■ JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group):
The acronym commonly used to refer to the compressed
file format used to store digital images.
■ LFE (low-frequency effects): The surround-
sound channel used for low-frequency effects.
■ Linear PCM: The uncompressed digital audio for-
mat used for audio CDs. PCM stands for Pulse Code
■ MP3 (MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3): Popular com-
pressed file format for storing digital music.
■ MPEG1 (Moving Picture Experts Group 1):
The compressed digital video format used for VCDs.
■ MPEG2 (Moving Picture Experts Group 2):
The compressed digital video format used for DVDs,
offering better picture quality than MPEG1.
■ NTSC: The color TV system used in the United
States, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.
■ PAL: The color TV system used in most of Europe,
the United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, and China.
■ PBC (Playback Control): Version 2.0 of the VCD
standard supports interactive menus and search func-
■ Progressive scanning: TV pictures are made by
scanning the screen in horizontal lines from top to bot-
tom. With progressive scanning, each picture (frame) is
made by scanning the entire screen in one go, resulting
is a clearer and stabler picture. Contrast with Interlaced
■ S-Video: A video connection format that separates
the luminance (Y) and color (C) signals, providing better
picture quality than composite video.
■ SACD (Super Audio CD): SACD uses Direct
Stream Digital (DSD) technology for audio performance
superior to that of standard CDs. It also supports multi-
channel audio, and hybrid discs can be played in stan-
dard CD players.
■ Title: The contents of DVD-Video discs are orga-
nized into titles.
■ VCD (Video CD): The format for storing MPEG1
video on CD.
■ VLSC (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry):
Unique Onkyo circuitry that reduces pulse noise in ana-
log audio signals converted from digital sources.