
Reference information
ESA 10171
Euroman 10037
Europa 10037
Europhon 10037
Evesham Technology 11667
Excello 11037
Exquisit 10037
Television (F to J)
F&U 12676
FairTec 11585
Ferguson 10625, 11037,
10037, 10195,
11585, 12676
Fidelity 10037, 10171
Finlandia 10208
Finlux 11667, 10714,
12676, 10037,
Firstline 10714, 10037,
11037, 10208,
Fisher 10208
Flint 10037
Formenti 10037
Fraba 10037
Freesat 11636
Friac 10037
Frigidaire 11826
Fujitsu 10809
Fujitsu Siemens 10809
Funai 13817, 10171,
11394, 11037,
Gaba 11037
Galaxi 10037
Galaxis 10037
Gateway 11755
GE 11447, 10178,
10625, 11454
GEC 10037
Genesis 10037
Genexxa 10037
GFM 10171, 11864
Gibralter 10017
Gibson 11826
Gintai 11150
Godrej 11585
GoGen 12676
GoldStar 10178, 10037,
10714, 11150
Goodmans 10037, 11037,
11667, 10714,
11585, 10556,
10625, 12676
Gorenje 11585, 12676
Gradiente 10037
Graetz 10714
Granada 10208, 10037
Grandin 10037, 10714,
11037, 10556
Grundig 10195, 11223,
10556, 10037,
11667, 12676
H-Buster 13620
Haier 13620, 10698,
10037, 10508
Hallmark 10178
Hankook 10178
Hannspree 11826
Hanseatic 10037, 10714,
10625, 10556
Hantarex 10037
Hantor 10037
Harwood 10037
Hauppauge 10037
HB 10714
HCM 10037
Heran 11826
Herosonic 11826
Highline 10037
Hinari 10037, 10208
HiPlus 11826
Hisawa 10714
Hisense 10556, 10508,
Hitachi 11643, 12676,
11576, 11585,
11691, 11037,
11667, 10037,
10150, 10178,
10508, 11150,
Hitachi Fujian 10150
Hitec 10698
Hoher 10714
Hornyphon 10037
Hua Tun 11150
Hypson 10037, 10714,
10556, 11037
Hyundai 10698, 12676,
Iberia 10037
ICE 10037
iLo 11394
Imperial 10037
Indiana 10037
Inno Hit 11037, 11585
Innova 10037
Insignia 12049, 10171
Integra 11807, 13100,
Inteq 10017
Interbuy 10037
Interfunk 10037
Internal 10556
Intervision 10037
Irradio 10037
IRT 10698
Isis 12676
Isukai 10037
ITS 10037
ITT 12676, 10208
ITT Nokia 10208
ITV 10037
JCB 10000
Jinfeng 10208
Jinxing 10037, 10556,
JMB 12676, 10556
Jubilee 10556
JVC 11774, 10653,
11601, 12271,
11428, 10508,
10650, 12676
Television (K to N)
Kaisui 10037
Karcher 10714
Kathrein 10556
Kendo 11037, 11585,
12676, 10037
Kennex 11037
Kioto 10556
Kiton 10037
KLL 10037
Kneissel 10037, 10556
Kolin 10150, 10037,
11150, 11755
Kolster 10037
Konka 10037, 10714
Konnig 10037
Korpel 10037
Kosmos 10037
Kunlun 10208
Kupperbusch 12676
L&S Electronic 10714
Lavis 11037
Lecson 10037
Lenco 10037, 11037
Leyco 10037