Connecting the DVD player
• Read the manuals supplied with your AV components.
• Don’t connect the power cord until you’ve completed
all audio and video connections.
Optical Digital Outputs
The DVD player’s optical digital connectors have a shut-
ter-type cover that opens when an optical plug is
inserted, and closes when it’s removed. Push the plug in
all the way.
To prevent shutter damage, hold the optical
plug straight when inserting and removing.
RCA AV Connection Color Coding
RCA AV connections are usually color coded: red,
white, and yellow. Use red plugs to connect right-chan-
nel audio inputs and outputs (typically labeled “R”). Use
white plugs to connect left-channel audio inputs and out-
puts (typically labeled “L”). And use yellow plugs to
connect composite video inputs and outputs.
The supplied AV cable is made up of an analog audio
cable and a composite video cable.
• Push each plug in all the way to
make a good connection (loose
connections can cause noise or
•To prevent interference, keep
audio and video cables away from
power cords and speaker cables.
The setup described here is a basic setup that allows you to play discs using just the cables supplied with the player. In
this setup, stereo audio is played through the speakers in your TV.
1. Connect the VIDEO OUTPUT and AUDIO OUT-
PUT FRONT/D.MIX 1 jacks to a set of AV inputs
on your TV.
Use the supplied AV cable (RCA), connecting the
red and white plugs to the audio outputs and the yel-
low plug to the video output.
See the following page if you want to use other cable
for the video connection.
2. Connect the supplied AC power cord to the AC
INLET, then plug into a power outlet.
Before Making Any Connections
Right (red)
Left (white)
Analog audio
Composite video
Right (red)
Left (white)
Basic Setup
To power outlet
AV cable
Power cord
This player is equipped with copy protection technol-
ogy. Do not connect this player to your TV via a VCR
using AV cables, as the picture from this player will
not appear properly on your TV. (This player may
also not be compatible with some combination TV/
VCRs for the same reason; refer to the manufacturer
for more information.)