At the bottom of the Generator window there is a simple status display that displays the
total memory available to store images, plus the amount that is used, along with a bar that
gives a graphical indication of how much memory is used.
The numbers used are calibrated in frames, and hence will change depending on the
current video standard.
Status Bar
At the bottom of the main application window, there is a status bar.
The currently selected video format is display. Note that this may not reflect the standard of a video
source connected to the unit.
The status of the analog reference, and the serial input are then displayed. The items are colour coded to
indicate status. If the colour is orange/brown, then the item listed is incorrect in some fashion, but is not
being used. If the colour is red, then it is incorrect, and is being used. If green, then it is OK.
The current colour space mode for waveform display is also indicated. This will be YUV or RGB parade,
or YUV or RGB component. This choice is independent of the format of the serial video data.
The waveform mode is indicated. This can be All line, single line, or frame view.
Finally the current selection from the four available work surfaces is indicated.
At the very right hand is a little field interrupt indicator. This spins during normal operation, indicating field
interrupts are being processed. It will stop during certain operations, such as loading files from disk.
OmniView Miscellaneous Features
OmniView contains a variety of minor features all designed to make the product more
useful and easy to use. Some of these are described here.
Window sizes
The size of all of the windows is related to the video standard. If you position and size the
windows in a given standard, then they may well be too small or too large in the new
standard. If you right click on many of the windows, then a menu appears with a resize to
fit option. Select this, and the window will become the minimum size to suit the data being
Full Screen Mode
Any of the waveforms, vectorscope or mini-pic may also be displayed in full screen mode.
There are also ‘combi’ modes that show several different elements at once. In this mode,
there are no windows artefacts visible, just the trace (plus cursor and graticule if these
are enabled) over a full screen black background. Full screen mode can be enabled in
any of the following ways.
Press the Escape button, to go directly to the full screen mode last used.
Select a mode from the Full Screen menu on the main application, and launch directly
into that display.
Select Full Screen from the ‘Window’ menu, which is available on all windows that have a
full screen mode.
Once in this mode, pressing the Escape button returns you to normal operation. When
you are in full screen mode, there are a few simple controls available.
Options available are