A new stage will be inserted which
consists of a ‘Number cycles’ field and
one step.
Edit the number of cycles by typing the
number required then press "Enter"
Use the “Down Arrow” key to move to
the step.
Press “Enter” to edit the step as
described above.
Press “Enter” again to accept.
To insert additional steps
To insert a new step before the first step,
use the “Up Arrow” or “Down Arrow”
keys to select ‘Number cycles’.
Press the “Decimal Point” key to insert a
new step.
To insert a new step after an existing step,
use the “Up Arrow” or “Down Arrow”
keys to select the step.
Press the “Decimal Point” key to insert a
new step.
To delete a step
Use the “Up Arrow” or “Down Arrow”
keys to select the step you wish to delete.
Press "Delete" to delete the step.
The prompt line will flash between 'DEL
STEP?' and 'YES or NO'.
Press “Enter” to delete the step.
Press “End” to return to editing the