
Architecture Flow Description
traffic flow Raw and/or processed traffic detector data which allows derivation of traffic
flow variables (e.g., speed, volume, and density measures) and associated
information (e.g., congestion, potential incidents). This flow includes the traffic
data and the operational status of the traffic detectors.
traffic images High fidelity, real-time traffic images suitable for surveillance monitoring by the
operator or for use in machine vision applications. This flow includes the
images and the operational status of the surveillance system.
traffic images_ud High fidelity, real-time traffic images suitable for surveillance monitoring by the
operator or for use in machine vision applications. This flow includes the
images and the operational status of the surveillance system.
traffic information coordination Traffic information exchanged between TMC’s. Normally would include
incidents, congestion data, traffic data, signal timing plans, and real-time
signal control information.
traffic probe data Vehicle data that is used to determine traffic conditions. In a basic
implementation, the data could be limited to time stamped unique identifiers
that can be used to measure a vehicle’s progress through the network. In
more advanced implementations, the vehicle may report current position,
speed, and heading and snapshots of recent events including starts and stops,
speed changes, and other information that can be used to estimate traffic
traffic sensor control Information used to configure and control traffic sensor systems.
transaction status Response to transaction request. Normally dealing with a request for payment.
transit and fare schedules Transit service information including routes, schedules, schedule adherence,
and fare information. Includes transit service information during evacuation.
transit archive data Data used to describe and monitor transit demand, fares, operations, and
system performance. Content may include a catalog of available information,
the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes
the archived information.
transit emergency data Initial notification of transit emergency at a transit stop or on transit vehicles
and further coordination as additional details become available and the
response is coordinated.
transit fare and passenger status Information provided from the traveler location that supports fare payments,
passenger data, and associated record-keeping.
transit fare information Information provided by transit management that supports fare payment
transactions and passenger data collection.
transit incident information Information on transit incidents that impact transit services for public
transit information request Request for transit operations information including schedule and fare
information. The request can be a subscription that initiates as-needed
information updates as well as a one-time request for information.
transit information user request Request for special transit routing, real-time schedule information, and
availability information.
transit multimodal information Transit schedule information for coordination at modal interchange points.
transit probe data Aggregate probe data derived from tracking transit vehicles. Data collected
could include transit vehicle speeds and travel times for a given link or
collection of links.
transit service coordination Schedule coordination information shared between local/regional transit
transit system data Current transit system operations information indicating current transit routes,
the level of service on each route, and the progress of individual vehicles
along their routes for use in forecasting demand and estimating current
transportation network performance.
transit system status assessment Assessment of damage sustained by the public transportation system
including location and extent of the damage, current operational status
including an estimate of remaining capacity and necessary restrictions, and
time frame for repair and recovery.
transit traveler information Transit information prepared to support transit users and other travelers. It
contains transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, alerts
and advisories, and general transit service information.
transit vehicle conditions Operating conditions of transit vehicle (e.g., engine running, oil pressure, or
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Architecture Flow Descriptions