2. Press the 9/User Prog. One-Touch key. The display shows
3. On the numeric keypad, press
4. The display shows
4. Press the
YES key. The display shows NO=<TSI/CSI>,
5. After the display clears, enter the full telephone number of
your fax machine using the numeric keypad.
Note: Use the 18/+ One-Touch key to enter a “+” character
before the number, which is the generally recognized
method of indicating the international access code before
the country dialing code. The
36/Space One-Touch key
is used to enter spaces in a number.
6. Press the Start key to save your entry.
7. Enter your Sender ID. This is a descriptive title up to 32
characters long. Refer to the instructions below.
8. Press the
Start key to save your entry. The display shows
9. After the display clears, use the numeric keypad to enter the
telephone number you want to use for call back messages.
Enter up to 20 characters.
10. Press the Start key to save your entry.
11. Press the
Select Function key to finish.
To do this Use
Enter Numbers Numeric keypad (press once)
Enter Spaces Space One-Touch key
Enter Hyphens Hyphen One-Touch key
Enter Pause Pause One-Touch key
Enter Plus Plus One-Touch key
Delete Delete One-Touch key
Caps Caps One-Touch key
Enter alphabet characters Locate the character you want on the numeric keypad.
Press that key repeatedly until the character appears. It
is also possible to input characters using One Touch
Enter unique character Press the 0/Unique key repeatedly until the character
you want appears. The following characters are
! # & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ \ “ _ % ˜ ä ß ñ ö ü Æ Å Ø
æ å ø.
Note: Some unique characters can be entered using
one-touch keys.
Move the cursor to make
YES and NO keys.
To do this Use