Cueing / Monitor Controls
12. “Program/PFL Level Meter and Button”: Press to alternate display modes.
a) When PROGRAM is indicated, this meter displays the stereo output levels of your mixed signal.
b) When CH1 CH2 is indicated the meter shows the peak, “PFL”, Pre Fader levels of channels 1 and 2. You can use
the channel “Gain” and “EQ” controls to match the levels of input signals while cueing
13. “Cue Gain Knob” (Headphone Level): This rotary control adjusts the levels of the headphones connected to the front
panel input.
14. “Cue Tone Knob” (Headphone Tone Control): This rotary knob adjusts the tone of the headphone output. The knob
can be raised and lowered to hide away by pressing it down.
15. “Channel Cue Slider”: Channels 1 and 2 can be previewed using this mini-crossfader. Sliding this to the left plays the
left channel-1 and sliding to the right plays the right channel-2.
16. “Cue Button” (MIC and MASTER Cue Buttons): When pressed, the CUE button illuminates green indicating that the
source is being cued to the headphones. When you press Mic PFL it adds it to the cue mix. When Master Cue is pressed
only the master output is heard.
17. “Headphone Jack” (Quarter Inch Output Terminal): Your headphones can be connected to this ¼” terminals. The
Volume should always be set at its lowest setting while connecting and disconnecting headphones to prevent damage to
headphones and/or your hearing.
Crossfader Controls
18. “Crossfader Slider” (Digital VCA Crossfader): This slide fader blends audio between CH-1 and CH-2. Its action can be
modified with the “Mode” , “Slope”, and “Direction” controls. This digital mixer uses digital VCA technology to accurately
determine slider position. Both the VCA and Digital technologies combined allow for some very powerful effects.
Note: This fader is user replaceable if it should ever wear out. Simply remove the facepanel and then remove the screws
holding it in position. Replace the fader with a quality authorized replacement from your local Numark retailer.
19. “MODE and MODE Display” (Crossfader Function Control and Display): This toggle switch changes crossfader modes
be left-right movement. The current mode is indicated in the mode display under the crossfader. These modes are
described in detail in the section entitled “CROSSFADER MODES”.
20. “Contour Knob” (Crossfader Rate/Slope Control): The position of this switch determines how quickly or intensely the
crossfader will act depending upon mode setting.
21. “Direction Button” (Crossfader Reverse Control): Activation of this switch reverses the assignment of CH-1 and CH-2
on the crossfader.
Output Controls
22. “Master Knob” (Main Output Level Control): This rotary control adjusts the main output volume.
23. “Booth Knob” (Master/Split Style Headphone Cueing Switch): This rotary control adjusts the auxiliary (AKA booth)
output volume.
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