
8. PITCH (Pitch Button) - Activates the Pitch Slider.
To alternate between ±8% and ±16%, press and
hold PITCH button. LED will indicate active setting.
9. PITCH SLIDER - The pitch can be changed up to
±16% by pressing the PITCH button so the PITCH
LED is lit, then moving the sliding fader. The pitch
will not be changed if the PITCH LED is off.
10. SEARCH WHEEL (OUTER RING) - 3 forward and 3
reverse speed positions for searching through
songs. The more you turn the wheel in either
direction the faster you search through the music.
jog wheel serves 2 functions depending on the
current mode.
a) The jog wheel will control a slow frame
search when the CD is not playing. To set a
new frame cue point, spin the wheel then
press play when you have determined the
proper position. Press CUE to return to the
b) When both CD players are playing a CD, the
pitch bend function allows the positioning of
the bass beats to be matched after the pitch
of each disc is matched. Either player can
“catch up” or “fall back” to match the other
player. The jog wheel will temporarily bend
the pitch of the music if the song is already
playing by rotating the wheel clockwise to
speed up or counterclockwise to slow down.
By changing the pitch of one disc with
respect to the pitch of the other disc, the
beats can be matched.
12. CUE - Pressing the CUE button during play provides
a return to the position at which play was started.
If PAUSE is used before CUE, that will become the
cue point. Alternately pressing the PLAY button and
the CUE button allows the CD to be played from the
same position any number of times. The CUE LED
will light up from the time the CUE button is pressed
until the CD has been reset to the position at which
play was started. Steady lighting of this LED
indicates the ready condition.
13. START/PAUSE (Play/Pause Button) - Each
press of the Play/Pause Button causes the operation
to change from play to pause or from pause to play.
14. LOOP IN – Used for setting a start loop point and
new cue points during playback.
15. LOOP OUT – Used for setting the end loop point
and releasing the loop action.
16. RELOOP / STUTTER – Depending on mode, as
explained further, this button is used for either
repeating a previously set loop or seamlessly
stuttering on the last set cue point.
1. PAUSE: Active when the unit is paused.
2. PLAY: Active while a CD is playing.
3. CUE: Flashing when the unit is setting a cue point.
Lit continuously when the unit is paused at a cue
4. PROGRAM: Used for pre-programming the track
order to automatically be played by the unit. This is
a great function if you need to leave the CD player
5. TIME MODE: (Elapsed) is for showing time as it is
taking place.(Remain) shows how much time is left
on a particular track. This function is controlled by
6. TIME BAR: Shows either time remaining or
elapsed depending on the setting of the TIME
7. TRACK NUMBER: Shows the current track that the
unit is playing. While searching folders, the selected
folder is displayed, denoted by the letter F.
8. TRACK: Lights while unit is in Track Play mode.
9. SINGLE: Shows when the unit is set to play just
one track at a time. When this is not lit, the CD will
play continuously through all tracks. This function is
controlled by the SING/CONT BUTTON.
10. MP3: Lit when unit is playing an MP3 file.
11. MINUTES: Shows the minutes elapsed or
remaining depending on mode setting.
12. SECONDS: Shows the seconds elapsed or
remaining depending on mode setting.
13. FRAMES: The CD Player breaks down a second into
75 frames for accurate cueing. This shows the
frames elapsed or remaining depending on mode
14. LOOP: Indicates when loop is actively playing.
15. PITCH: Shows the percentage change in pitch.
16. PITCH: Is lit when the PITCH BUTTON is active.
17. MATRIX DISPLAY: Displays CD Text or MP3 Tag
information. If reading a disc with no encoding,
display will read “NO TEXT”. Also displays folder
names while searching through folders.