
- The Leader in DJ Technology
©2001 Numark Industries
- 4 -
Dimension 3 & 4
Dimension 3 & 4Dimension 3 & 4
Dimension 3 & 4
Thank you for choosing a
Thank you for choosing a Thank you for choosing a
Thank you for choosing a power amplifier. The Dimension 4 offers 1900 watts of
power amplifier. The Dimension 4 offers 1900 watts of power amplifier. The Dimension 4 offers 1900 watts of
power amplifier. The Dimension 4 offers 1900 watts of
clean power output and the Dimension 3 offers 1300 watts. These amplifiers have many unique DJ
clean power output and the Dimension 3 offers 1300 watts. These amplifiers have many unique DJclean power output and the Dimension 3 offers 1300 watts. These amplifiers have many unique DJ
clean power output and the Dimension 3 offers 1300 watts. These amplifiers have many unique DJ
driven features and plenty of power. Besides the cosmetic appeal the units also have an internal
driven features and plenty of power. Besides the cosmetic appeal the units also have an internaldriven features and plenty of power. Besides the cosmetic appeal the units also have an internal
driven features and plenty of power. Besides the cosmetic appeal the units also have an internal
crossover so the DJ can power their subwoofer and main speakers with the same amplifier, simplifying
crossover so the DJ can power their subwoofer and main speakers with the same amplifier, simplifyingcrossover so the DJ can power their subwoofer and main speakers with the same amplifier, simplifying
crossover so the DJ can power their subwoofer and main speakers with the same amplifier, simplifying
user operation and equipment setup. The unit also has a unique front panel stereo/mono input
user operation and equipment setup. The unit also has a unique front panel stereo/mono inputuser operation and equipment setup. The unit also has a unique front panel stereo/mono input
user operation and equipment setup. The unit also has a unique front panel stereo/mono input
selector and rear panel Banana and Speakon connectors.
selector and rear panel Banana and Speakon connectors.selector and rear panel Banana and Speakon connectors.
selector and rear panel Banana and Speakon connectors.
These units are designed to provide a good combination of power, audio clarity, and reliable
These units are designed to provide a good combination of power, audio clarity, and reliableThese units are designed to provide a good combination of power, audio clarity, and reliable
These units are designed to provide a good combination of power, audio clarity, and reliable
operation. The basic circuit has been kept as simple as possible to reduce the amount of components,
operation. The basic circuit has been kept as simple as possible to reduce the amount of components,operation. The basic circuit has been kept as simple as possible to reduce the amount of components,
operation. The basic circuit has been kept as simple as possible to reduce the amount of components,
thereby shortening the signal path, and reducing coloration and the chance of component failure.
thereby shortening the signal path, and reducing coloration and the chance of component failure.thereby shortening the signal path, and reducing coloration and the chance of component failure.
thereby shortening the signal path, and reducing coloration and the chance of component failure.
However, we opted to add what we regard as essential protection against overheating, short circuits
However, we opted to add what we regard as essential protection against overheating, short circuitsHowever, we opted to add what we regard as essential protection against overheating, short circuits
However, we opted to add what we regard as essential protection against overheating, short circuits
and power on transients.
and power on transients.and power on transients.
and power on transients.
An efficient heat dissipation system, comprising a high surface area
An efficient heat dissipation system, comprising a high surface area An efficient heat dissipation system, comprising a high surface area
An efficient heat dissipation system, comprising a high surface area heatsinks coupled with dual
heatsinks coupled with dualheatsinks coupled with dual
heatsinks coupled with dual
fans, ensures quiet and reliable cooling.
fans, ensures quiet and reliable cooling.fans, ensures quiet and reliable cooling.
fans, ensures quiet and reliable cooling.
The sound q
The sound qThe sound q
The sound quality and sturdy construction of the makes these amps ideal for a multitude of
uality and sturdy construction of the makes these amps ideal for a multitude ofuality and sturdy construction of the makes these amps ideal for a multitude of
uality and sturdy construction of the makes these amps ideal for a multitude of
amplification tasks, from installations, mobile DJs, home studios, houses of worship and touring bands.
amplification tasks, from installations, mobile DJs, home studios, houses of worship and touring bands.amplification tasks, from installations, mobile DJs, home studios, houses of worship and touring bands.
amplification tasks, from installations, mobile DJs, home studios, houses of worship and touring bands.
Since all of the amplifiers are similar in operation, this manual serves for all models. Please take
Since all of the amplifiers are similar in operation, this manual serves for all models. Please takeSince all of the amplifiers are similar in operation, this manual serves for all models. Please take
Since all of the amplifiers are similar in operation, this manual serves for all models. Please take
the time to read this manual before connecting and operating your unit, as there is important
the time to read this manual before connecting and operating your unit, as there is importantthe time to read this manual before connecting and operating your unit, as there is important
the time to read this manual before connecting and operating your unit, as there is important
information contained within.
information contained within.information contained within.
information contained within.
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Thank you for buying Thank you for buying
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Full LED meter display with clip indicators
Crossover for Subwoofer on rear for each channel
Subwoofer Frequency adjust knobs: 20-200 Hz
Stereo/Mono front panel selector
DC output protection and Short circuit protection
DIP switch to engage internal compression limiter
DIP switch for 30Hz/50Hz low frequency roll off
Balanced XLR & 1/4" (6.3mm) input
XLR balanced outputs (thru)
5-way binding banana plug channel outputs
3 Speakon outputs for Channels A/B/Bridge
Recessed Bridge control switch
2x dual speed fans coupled with heatsink cooling for
extra protection
Ground Lift Switch
Total Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.002%
Input sensitivity & Impedance: 1.0 V RMS (0 dBV)
Hum & Noise: 100 dB, unweighted
Rear Panel Reset button