An extensive set of logs has been created to capture the data
your SMART-MR15 receives and processes. These logs can be
directed to a SMART-MR15 port (COM1 or AUX) and can be
automatically generated when new or changed data becomes
available, or at regular intervals. Available logs are listed in the
OEMV Family Quick Reference Guide, found on our Web site at
through Support | Firmware/Software and
To log data, use the LOG command. For example, to log the
pseudorange position to COM 1 every 30 seconds, enter the
log com1 psrposb ontime 30
When requesting logs, you can request the output data in three
• Abbreviated ASCII
Abbreviated ASCII is the best format to use when you want to
work with the receiver directly and review individual log contents
Refer to the SMART-MR10/15 User Manual (OM-20000130) or
the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual (OM-20000094)
for information about the LOG command.
If you prefer, Connect provides a graphical interface for
configuring data logging. Select Logging Control Window from
the Tools menu. In the Logging Control window, you can select
which logs to capture and choose the ports to which you want
the data sent. You can also specify a file in which to save the
When logging data through Connect, close all unused windows
to maximize COM port throughput and receiver CPU
If you have any questions or comments regarding your
SMART-MR15 please contact NovAtel using one of these
Email: support@novatel.com
Web: www.novatel.com
Phone: 1-800-NOVATEL (U.S. & Canada)
1-403-295-4900 (International)
Fax: 1-403-295-4901
SMART-MR15-specific logs are not included in the Connect
drop-down menus.
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