
DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 81
Appendix B Commands
The DL-V3 firmware implements the commands in Table 13 (repeated in Table 14 on Page 82 in the
order of their binary messages IDs), in addition to the OEMV family command set. The LOG
command is available to all OEMV receivers but is an essential command to do any logging. It is
included in this appendix for your convenience.
Table 13: DL-V3 Commands in Alphabetical Order
Message ID ASCII Command Description
781 appcontrol Switch between Ethernet and Bluetooth on COM3
779 comvout Control the peripheral power supply on specific COM ports
185 currentfile Specify a file for FILEHDR and FILETRANSFER requests
186 currentgroup Specify a group for GROUPDEF requests
53 del Delete files from the CF Card
284 disk Carry out CF card maintenance
67 extcontrol Disable POWERUP group execution on start-up
20 freset Factory reset
54 group Modify log group definitions
66 groupantheight Edit the antenna height for the group
55 groupantsn Edit the serial number for the group
65 groupanttype Edit the antenna type for the group
755 groupcom Associate one or more port configurations with a group
753 groupcomvout Control power on specified COM ports for the group
271 groupdgpstxid Edit the DGPS base ID configuration for the group
56 groupecutoff Edit the elevation cut-off configuration for the group
58 groupfixpos Fix the receiver position when the group is executed
318 groupinterfacemode Edit the interface mode configuration for the group
64 grouplog Modify message-logging specifications in a group
57 groupmode Configure the survey type for a group survey
63 grouppossave Configure position averaging when the group is executed
62 groupsatlimit Edit the satellite limit configuration for the group
59 groupsitename Edit the site name for the group
61 groupsitenumber Edit the site number for the group
149 groupuse Group configuration macro to execute DL-V3 commands
Continued on Page 82