48 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
No SVPServer
No DNS Entry
The WLAN Handset was unable to
perform DNS lookup for the SVP Server,
the server had no entry for the SVP
Contact your system administrator.
No SVPServer
The WLAN Handset was unable to
perform DNS lookup for the SVP Server,
no IP Address for the SVP server.
Contact your system administrator.
No SW Found A required software component has not
been properly installed.
Contact your system administrator.
No UNISTIM DHCP The WLAN Handset is configured wrong. Contact your system administrator.
No VPN Server The WLAN Handset is configured wrong. Contact your system administrator.
Not Installed! A required software component has not
been properly installed.
Contact your system administrator.
Payload Malfmd The WLAN Handset is configured wrong. Contact your system administrator.
Press End Call The far end of a call has hung up. Hang up the near end.
Restart Command The WLAN Handset received a restart
command from the server.
None. The WLAN Handset will
automatically restart in a few seconds.
RTP Open Failed The WLAN Handset encountered an
error in connecting to the Call Server.
Power off and then power on the
handset. If the problem persists, contact
your system administrator.
Select License The WLAN Handset is configured wrong. Contact your system administrator.
Server Busy The WLAN Handset is attempting to
download from a TFTP Server that is
busy downloading other devices and
refusing additional downloads.
None. The WLAN Handset will
automatically retry the download every
few seconds.
SKT Open Failed The WLAN Handset encountered an
error in connecting to the Call Server.
If the problem persists, contact your
system administrator.
Storing Config The WLAN Handset is storing changes to
the handset configuration.
None. This is informational only.
SVP Service Rej. The SVP Server has rejected a request
from the WLAN Handset.
If the problem persists, contact your
system administrator.
System Busy yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy The Server has reached its call capacity. All call paths are in use. Try the call again
in a few minutes.
System Locked (with Busy
System is locked Try the call again, system has been
locked for maintenance.
TFTP ERROR(x):yy A failure has occurred during a software
Power off the WLAN Handset, then turn it
on again to retry the download.
If the error persists, contact your system
Too Many Errors The WLAN Handset continues to reset
and cannot be recovered.
Contact your system administrator.
Unknown xx:yy:zz A phrase is missing from a download file. Contact your system administrator.
Updating … The WLAN Handset is internally updating
its software images.
None. The handset may do this briefly
after a download. This is informational
Table 5 WLAN Handset messages, descriptions, and actions
Message Description Action