Nokia M5122 User Manual
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy
DHCP page
Use DHCP with PPTP tunneling only.
On the Local Network DHCP subpage you can enable/disable
Dynamic Host Control Protocol and set the Address ranges from
which the addresses are distributed to the DHCP clients on your
network. You can also set the Domain Name Server addresses here.
Start address is the first address in the address range. The Range size
defines how many addresses the range contains. Subnet mask is the
subnet mask of the addresses in the range. Primary and Secondary
DNSs set the domain name servers for the corresponding address
range. Lease time defines how often the DHCP client must renew its
lease. Domain name defines the domain name for the range.
The DHCP server can be enabled towards LAN and Vbridge (gateway
interface) ports. When the DHCP server is enabled, up to two scopes
(address ranges) are automatically generated and bound to Vbridge
interface. Two separate address ranges can be used if more than 253
addresses are required on the local subnet, if two non-contiguous
ranges are needed, or if an additional router with DHCP relay is used
on the local network. In Figure 11, scope (a) has been bound to Vbridge
interface. When the address ranges are not defined, M5122 uses the
default values for all DHCP parameters. The default values are:
D Start address is the interface IP address
D Subnet mask
D Range size of up to 253 addresses starting from the interface IP
D DNS address is the interface IP address
D Lease time is 60 minutes
D Domain name is null string
If at least one address range has been defined, then IP address, DNS,
domain name and lease time, if defined, override the default values.