Applications and features
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy
D Gateway/bridge management interface. This interface is used as a
bridge host interface or gateway interface depending on the
operation mode. In this manual it is called VBRIDGE. On the
M1112 web pages, the interface is called gateway or bridge IP
M1112 can operate in four different main modes:
D Bridging only
D Routing/tunneling IP only
D Routing/tunneling IP, bridging all but IP
D Routing/tunneling IP and bridging all, including IP
The mode in which M1112 operates depends on the configuration of
the unit’s interfaces. Table 2-1 shows the operational modes and the
corresponding interface configurations.
LAN interface ATM VCC interfaces Vbridge
(gateway/host inter-
Bridge only
Bridging Bridging. Used as a manage-
ment (host) interface
for all bridged inter-
faces in case such is
Route/tunnel IP only
Routing (IP address
Routing (IP address
configured) or PPTP
local tunneling acti-
vated for each active
Not used in this case.
The unit can be man-
aged through any of
the LAN or ATM inter-
face IP addresses.