Data Network Terminal Single-port and Multiport Operating Instructions
56 (128) © Nokia Corporation DN01145897
Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue2-0en
• Line attenuation
• Line voltage (remote-powered)
Attenuation can be 0 to 41 dB.
DNT statistics via the front panel or Q1
Signal qualities of the selected 15-minute periods (4 periods with front panel
menus and 100 with Q1) and 24-hour periods (4 periods with front panel menus
and 30 with Q1) and since the last reset, according to Rec. G.826, are indicated
by the quality parameters in Table 15.
System counters via Q1
• Number of CPU resets and the time passed since the last reset.
Table 15. Statistics values via Q1
Information Abbreviation and/or
Total time TT Time passed since the last reset.
Unavailability time UAT
(Rx, Tx)
Time during which severely errored seconds have
Errored seconds ES
(Rx, Tx)
Number of errored seconds.
Severely errored seconds SES
(Rx, Tx)
Number of seconds during which ≥ 30% blocks
are errored.
Background block errors BBE
Number of errored blocks except blocks during
severely errored seconds and unavailable time.
The block size depends on the used line rate.
Unavailability time ratio UATR
(Rx, Tx)
Ratio of unavailability time to the total time during
the last 15 minutes or 24 hours.
Errored seconds ratio ESR
(Rx, Tx)
Ratio of errored seconds to the total of seconds in
the available time during the last 15 minutes or 24
Severely errored seconds
(Rx, Tx)
Ratio of severely errored seconds to the total of
seconds in the available time during the last 15
minutes or 24 hours.
Background block error
Ratio of background block errors to the total of
blocks during the last 15 minutes or 24 hours,
except blocks during severely errored blocks and
unavailable time.