© Nokia Networks | Filename: A032QG_AP_as_wireless_bridge.doc | Date: 18.08.00 | Author: P Barnes
Nokia A032 (D):
Bridge add 00e003004771 bridgeC
You may use the command bridge list to show the entries. Also you may use the command
bridge delete to remove entries made in error or no longer required.
When all the entries have been made the Nokia A032s must be restarted and the
connections should be established. To check that the connections are working, go to the
wireless status screen in the web interface or use the Show a command in the serial port /
Telnet monitor. The bridge partner(s) should be shown by their user-friendly name and listed
as Is Bridging. It may take up to 30 seconds after starting for the bridge partner(s) to
Caution: MAC bridges can only be configured in two WEP Modes Open and WiFi
WEP. WiFi WEP uses open system authentication and all traffic is passed
2.1.3 Restarting the Nokia A032s
Once all the Nokia A032s are operating they will automatically learn where the various
network-attached computers reside and bridge data to the correct location. If one or more of
the Nokia A032s are restarted, this information will be temporarily lost. This may result in loss
of communication in the network for up to 5 minutes until the information is re-learned from
the network.
Caution: This version of the Nokia A032 does not support roaming by wireless
stations from one bridge to another. To avoid this problem each Nokia A032 used
as a bridge should be assigned a unique ESSID (Network Name) which is
different from the others. This will prevent inadvertent roaming.