Nokia 9110 Communicator
Copyright 1995 – 1999 Nokia. All right reserved.
Quick Guide How to configure e-mail account to 9110
For reading and sending e-mail via the Nokia 9110 Communicator remote e-mail client you
need to have Internet Access Point (IAP) configured to your communicator. For further
information how to configure IAP please look User’s Manual.
You also need to have e-mail account and it needs to support SMTP protocol for sending
and POP3 or IMAP4 protocol for receiving e-mail. The communicator has also MIME1
support. Viewing of ASCII text and JPG or GIF graphic attachments is possible and all
other attachments like e.g. documents and spreadsheets can be loaded to PC using e.g.
PC Suite. You can also have multiple e-mail accounts in the Nokia 9110 Communicator.
Select Internet application and Mail. Choose Settings from the command buttons and scroll
down to Remote mailboxes and select Change. If you have no mailboxes configured
previously you will have text (no defined connections) in the screen. You also might have
some previously configured mailbox in the list and you can edit the settings by selecting
Edit. If you want to create new mailbox select New.
You will receive following fields in Define remote mailbox window.
Remote mailbox name: This is free form where you can type the name you want to give to
this mailbox
Internet access: If you have no Internet access configured you will have text (no defined
connections) in this field or it may have list of your Internet Access Points (IAP). You will
need to have IAP for connecting to your mailbox. Please check User’s Manual for more
detailed instructions how to obtain IAP. After you have IAP select the one you want to use
with this mailbox for creating connection.
Sending settings:
Under Sending settings you will have following fields:
Own mail address: To this free form field you can type in the e-mail address
that is shown in the messages when you send e-mail e.g.
Sending host: Sending host is the address of the e-mail server that is
sending your messages. In many cases this is the same as the Receiving
host but it also can be different. Example of sending host could be e.g.