Reference Section
Print Date (Imprinting Date and Time)
The shooting date and time can be imprinted on the images
when shooting, allowing the information to be printed even
from printers that do not support date printing (E44).
B Notes About Print Date
• Imprinted dates form a permanent part of image data and cannot be deleted. The date and time
cannot be imprinted on images after they have been captured.
• The date and time cannot be imprinted in the following situations:
- When using Sports, Night portrait (when Y Hand-held is selected), Night landscape
(when Y Hand-held is selected), Museum, Backlighting (when HDR is set to o), Easy
panorama, or Pet portrait (when V Continuous is selected) scene mode
- When Blink proof (E 41) is set to On
- When the continuous shooting setting (E32) is set to Continuous H, Continuous L,
Continuous H: 120 fps, Continuous H: 60 fps, or BSS
- When shooting movies
- When saving still images while shooting movies
- When extracting still images from movies
• The imprinted date and time may be difficult to read when using a small image size.
d button M z menu icon M Print date M k button
Option Description
fDate Date is imprinted on images.
SDate and time Date and time are imprinted on images.
Off (default setting) Date and time are not imprinted on images.