Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu
ISO Sensitivity
ISO sensitivity can be increased from the default
value (100). Settings over ISO 800 are only avail-
able when Custom Setting b1 (ISO auto) is off.
See “Taking Photographs: ISO Sensitivity” (
Image Sharpening
Seven options are available for image sharpening.
See “Taking Photographs: Image Adjustment” (
Tone Compensation
Five options are available for controlling image
contrast. See “Taking Photographs: Image Ad-
justment” ( 69).
Photographs taken at high ISO sensitivities can
be processed to reduce “noise.” Highlight High
ISO NR in the shooting menu (
168) and press
the multi selector to the right. Press the multi
selector up or down to highlight an option, then
press to the right to make a selection.
Option Description
On (normal)
Noise reduction takes effect at ISO sensitivities of ISO 400–800 or if ISO
sensitivity is raised to 400 or higher when On is selected for Custom
Setting b1 (ISO auto), increasing processing time and reducing capac-
ity of memory buffer. Increased noise reduction is performed at ISO
sensitivities over ISO 800 or when On (high) is selected.
Off Noise reduction turns off except at ISO sensitivities over ISO 800.
On (high)