At chocobo stables, you can rent chocobos to ride
on the overworld map (see p. 17). Chocobos are
especially useful when traveling over great distances.
Chocobo Stable
Staying at an inn allows party members to recover
HP and MP, and also removes all status effects
(see p. 39).
Speak to a shopkeeper to open the shop menu. Select “Buy" if you want to purchase items, or “Sell"
if you want to sell unneeded items in your inventory. Select an item you want to buy or sell from the
list, adjust the quantity with the +Control Pad, then press the A Button to confirm the transaction.
You will find a variety of helpful shopkeepers in towns that will provide
services in exchange for gil (the currency of the game world).
Shops and Services
You can receive some very helpful hints at the adventurer's school
in Narshe. It may be worth your while to stop in sometime and see
what you can learn.
Adventurer's School
Equipment Comparison
Items and Prices
Your Gil
Inn Weapon Shop Armor Shop
Item Shop Relic Shop
You can buy and sell items and
equipment at these shops.
Inventory will vary from one
merchant to another.
Characters who can equip the
selected item will raise their
hands, and a white arrow ( )
will appear beneath each character currently in your party. In the case of weapons
or armor, the following icons are shown to the left of characters who can equip the
selected item to indicate how the item compares to the one currently equipped.
Stronger Weaker
No Change Already Equipped