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There are many different buildings and houses in the Unova region. As you walk around,
be sure to check out everything and chat with everyone you meet. You might obtain
some useful information.
Pokémon Center
The people here will heal your injured Pokémon for free.
You can also use the PC here. A Pokémon Center is the most
useful place a Pokémon Trainer can visit!
Note: Communication play can be done on 2F (see page 26) of a
Pokémon Center.
Healing Your Pokémon
Give your Pokémon to the attendant behind the counter to
completely recover their HP and PP. Your Pokémon will also
recover completely if they have fainted, are afflicted with
Poison, and so on.
By using a PC, you can store or withdraw your Pokémon
you’ve caught. You can also organize your Mail and have your
Pokédex rated.
You can select “Help” to access useful information in-game.
Battle Box
The Battle Box can be accessed using Someone’s PC. You can
assign a group of one to six Pokémon, separate from your
party Pokémon, to be used in Link Battles. If you have no
Pokémon assigned to your Battle Box, you will use your party
Pokémon in Link Battles.
Poké Mart
Poké Marts are located inside Pokémon Centers. Poké Marts
in different towns sell different things. The number of Gym
Badges you have affects what you can buy.
muSiCAl theAter
This facility, located in one of the cities, is where Pokémon
Musicals take place. Select the Pokémon you wish to have
perform in the Musical, and use Props to dress it up. Your
Pokémon will then appear on stage and perform the Musical.
Impress the audience with your Pokémon’s charm. You
can join up with your friends using Infrared Connection or
wireless communications and perform together.
BuildingS in town
BuildingS in town