NX Wind transducer set English
4 Pairing procedure of wind transducer
When all instruments have been installed, a pairing procedure between the wireless
wind transducer and the WSI unit must be made to introduce it to your specific NX
network system. This is how you do it:
a. Make sure the wind transducer is fully charged!
If the wind transducer has been stored in a dark place for a long time,
you must first charge it by exposing the solar cell for sun light some
hours before use.
b. Pairing!
Hold the wind transducer within 2m from the Wireless WSI unit, and
then press the INIT button (through the hole in the bottom of the
battery lid) by use of the “pin”.
If the batter lid is open, you may see the LED. The built in LED will
flash 2 times then lit for 2s, before it is turned off. Your Nexus system
is now ready for use.
If the pairing of some reason did not work, the LED will flash a third
time. You should then release the WSI-box airing, see below!
5 Re-initialization of the wind transducer
To release the Wind transducer and re-initializing it, press and hold the INIT
button for 5s.
The wind transducer can then be re-initialised again to the same, or to any other
WSI-box as described above.
när den åter skall monteras. Se procedur enligt ovan.
6 Maintenance!