English VHF NX2000
Power Supply DC 12 V +30/-10%
Channel Capability 57 international channels
UKM1/M2 and includes 10 expansion channels
Frequency Resolution 25KHz
Method of Frequency Generation synthesizer
Dimension 175(W) × 79(H) ×130(D) mm
Weight 1175 grams
13.1 Receiver
Multi Channel Receiver
1. The receiver incorporates a dual conversion super-heterodyne design.
2. Tuning Frequency Range 156.025-163.275MHz
3. IF Frequency Used: 21.7MHz; 450KHz
4. Maximum Useable Sensitivity ≤6dBμe.m.f. of 20dB/SINAD
5. Adjacent Channel Selectivity ≥70dB
6. Spurious Response Rejection ≥70dB
7. Inter-Modulation Rejection ≥68dB
8. Spurious Emission Radiation 2nW
9. Current: 0.9 Amps (Max Audio)
0.4 Amps (STBY)
10. Audio Frequency Response +1, -3dB of +6dB/octave
De-emphasis 300-3000Hz
11. Hum and Noise ≤-40dB
12. Audio Output 3.5W at less than 10% distortion
with 4 Ohm external speaker
2W only internal speaker