Getting Started Using FirstGear for the Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem
3-14 Installation
About FirstGear
FirstGear allows you to set the telephone numbers, run diagnostics, and enable/disable the Call
Waiting feature. When you run FirstGear, it automatically displays the current setting of the Model
XM128U modem. Figure 3-12 shows the Configuration menu screen.
Figure 3-12. Configuration menu screen
The Telephone Numbers field displays the current phone number settings. Based on the
information given to you by your local telephone company, you will have either one or two
telephone numbers assigned to your ISDN line. The appropriate radio button at the top of the
field will indicate whether you have one or two telephone numbers assigned.
If you need to change the telephone numbers, type them into the appropriate fields (Phone #1
or Phone #2, including area codes). When saving the configuration (by clicking on OK or Apply),
FirstGear automatically detects the Service Profile IDs (SPIDs) and switch type assigned to
your ISDN line.
To enable Call Waiting on each analog phone port, check the appropriate box (Analog Port 1 and/
or Analog Port 2). To disable Call Waiting on a port, clear the box for that port.
Xm128u_bk.fm Page 14 Wednesday, February 4, 1998 4:32 PM