Extra Outlet For information on outlet ratings and safety information, see
Safety Information on page 12.
Power LED Solid green. The electrical power is on.
Blinking amber. The adapter is in power saving mode.
Blinking green. The adapter is in the process of setting up
O. The adapter is not receiving electrical power.
Ethernet LED Solid. The Ethernet port is linked.
O. No Ethernet connection is detected.
Pick A Plug LED The Pick A Plug feature lets you pick the electrical outlet with
the strongest link rate, indicated by the color displayed by the
Solid. The adapter is connected to a Powerline network.
• Green. Link rate > 80 Mbps (best)
• Amber. Link rate > 50 and < 80 Mbps (better)
• Red. Link rate < 50 Mbps (good)
O. The adapter has not found any other compatible
Powerline devices using the same encryption key.