18 | Chapter 2. Using the XAV5501 Powerline Utility
XAV5501 Powerline AV+ 500 Adapter User Manual
3. To set the traffic prioritization rule into the selected Powerline AV Ethernet Adapter device,
specify the priority in the QoS Setup section of the screen.
4. Click Apply.
Note: QoS settings are applied only to the selected device.
These options only apply to QoS-configured business networks. IEEE 802.1p uses
prioritization bits in Layer-2 frames. Type of Service routing (ToS) uses prioritization bits
in Layer-3 IP packets. The deprecated ToS values range from 0 to 7.
Reset a Device to Factory Settings
The Factory Reset option returns the network encryption key to its factory default value of
To reset to factory defaults:
1. On the Powerline Utility main screen, click the Powerline device icon.
2. From the pop-up menu, click Factory Reset.
3. Click OK to reset the device. A message indicates whether or not the operation succeeded.
Note: If you customized your network encryption key, the local Powerline
device will be disconnected from the network when you reset it to the
factory default. To avoid this problem, reset all remote devices
before you reset the local device.
Add a Device to a Powerline Network
If you are adding a device to a Powerline network, and the network encryption key has been
left at its default setting, all you need to do is plug the new device into a power outlet.
If the network encryption key has been customized, there are two ways to set the security:
• You can use the Security button to add the new device to your network. See Adding
Adapters to Your Network on page 9.