Chapter 2. Using the XAV1601 Powerline Utility | 15
XAV1601 Powerline AV+ 200 Nano User Manual
Change the Name of a Powerline Device
Powerline devices are shown in the Powerline network by the model number and name. Any
Powerline devices that are plugged in and connected are detected by the Powerline Utility,
and will be shown on the Powerline Utility main screen. If no name has been assigned to a
Powerline device, the device is shown as un-named.
To name any Powerline device in your Powerline network:
1. From the Powerline Utility main screen, click the device you want to name, and the
following pop-up menu appears:.
2. Click Device Name. The utility responds that connectivity will be temporarily lost if you
3. Click OK. The following screen displays:
4. Enter a new name for the Powerline device, and click OK.
Turn LEDs On or Off
For each device in your Powerline network, you can turn LEDs on or off. To do this, follow
these steps:
1. Click the Powerline device icon on the Powerline Utility main screen.
2. On the pop-up menu, click Turn LED off.
Note: This function is a toggle. You can turn off LEDs if they are turned on,
or turn them on if they are currently turned off.
A message displays advising you that connectivity will be temporarily lost while the LEDs
are being reset.
3. Click OK, and the LEDs for the selected Powerline device are turned on or off.