
Set Up Your Wireless Adapter
NETGEAR N300 Wireless Mini USB Adapter WNA3100M
NETGEAR Genie Desktop Icon
When you install your adapter, the NETGEAR Genie icon appears in the Windows system
tray and on the desktop. You can click this icon to open NETGEAR Genie to make changes
or connect to a different wireless network. The color of the icon indicates the strength of your
wireless connection from 0 (zero) to 5 bars.
Green: 3 to 5 bars
Yellow: 1 or 2 bars
Red: 0 (zero) bars, indicating no connection
If you remove your adapter, NETGEAR Genie is not available, so the icon is not displayed. if
you insert the adapter again, the icon returns.
NETGEAR Genie Home
When you launch NETGEAR Genie, the home screen displays.
This screen shows you at a glance if you are connected to a network, and if you have Internet
access. The following options are available:
Select Language. If more than one language is available, you can select a language
from this drop-down list. NETGEAR Genie screens will be displayed in the language that
you selected.
Home button. The currently selected Home screen. You can click the Home button to
return here from a different screen.
Join a Network button. View a list of wireless networks and join a network.
Other button. View more information or check for software updates.
Help. Display the help.