Advanced Configuration 5-1
202-10060-02, February 2005
Chapter 5
Advanced Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the advanced features of your WG602v3. These features
can be found under the Advanced heading in the main menu.
Understanding Advanced Wireless Settings
From the main menu of the browser interface, under the Advanced heading, click Wireless
Settings to bring up the page shown below.
Figure 5-1: Advanced Wireless Settings menu
The default advanced wireless settings usually work well. These settings should not be changed
unless you are sure it is necessary.
• WMM support: WMM (Wireless Multimedia) is a subset of the 802.11e standard. WMM
allows wireless traffic to have a range of priorities, depending on the kind of data.
Time-dependent information, like video or audio, will have a higher priority than normal
traffic. For WMM to function correctly, Wireless clients must also support WMM. The default
is Disable.