NETGEAR 54 Mbps Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WG111v2 User Manual
v3.0, January 2007
The Smart Wizard Status Bar
Click the icon to open the Smart Wizard so you can view the status bar. The Smart Wizard
Settings page opens. The status bar is at the bottom of the page.
• Connection Status: The color shows the connection status.
• Signal Strength: Shows the signal strength of the wireless network. If the signal is poor, then
try moving closer to the wireless access point.
• Lock icon: Shows if security is used on the network.
• Router/Internet connection indicator: This shows the progress of your connection. By
default, this feature is on.
If you selected Europe during the WG111v2 installation, this feature is disabled.
The Router/Internet connection indicator is useful in isolating a problem. For example, if you are
connected to a router, but not to the Internet, then check the router’s Internet connection.
If you right-click the System Tray icon, you can disable the Internet notification feature by
clearing the check mark on this line. If you do so, then only the IP address is shown.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Connection Indicator Description
Connected to Internet
or IP Address
Wireless Internet connection OK.
Connected to Router Wireless connection to router OK but no Internet
connection at router.
___.___.___.___ or
Wireless connection to a router OK but there is a
problem with the router. See “Troubleshooting”.
signal strength
Unlocked: Network does not use security
Locked: Network uses security
connection indicator