v1.0, September 2009
Chapter 3
Manually Configuring Internet and WAN Settings
This chapter contains the following sections:
• “Understanding the Internet and WAN Configuration Tasks on this page.
• “Configuring the Internet Connections” on page 3-2.
• “Configuring the WAN Mode (Required for the UTM25’s Dual WAN Mode)” on page 3-9.
• “Configuring Secondary WAN Addresses” on page 3-17.
• “Configuring Dynamic DNS” on page 3-19.
• “Configuring Advanced WAN Options” on page 3-22.
Understanding the Internet and WAN Configuration Tasks
Generally, five steps are required to complete the Internet connection of your UTM:
1. Configure the Internet connections to your ISP(s). During this phase, you connect to your
ISPs. You can also program the WAN traffic meters at this time if desired. See “Configuring
the Internet Connections” on page 3-2.
2. Configure the WAN mode (required for the UTM25’s dual WAN operation). For both the
UTM10 and UTM25, select either NAT or classical routing. For the UTM25 only, select either
dedicated (single WAN) mode, auto-rollover mode, or load balancing mode. For the UTM25’s
load balancing, you can also select any necessary protocol bindings. See “Configuring the
WAN Mode (Required for the UTM25’s Dual WAN Mode)” on page 3-9.
3. Configure secondary WAN addresses on the WAN ports (optional). Configure aliases for
each WAN port. See “Configuring Secondary WAN Addresses” on page 3-17.
Note: The initial Internet configuration of the UTM is described in Chapter 2, “Using the
Setup Wizard to Provision the UTM in Your Network.” If you used the Setup
Wizard to configure your Internet settings, you need this chapter only to configure
WAN features such as Dual WAN and Dynamic DNS, and to configure secondary
WAN addresses and advanced WAN options.