Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
A list of your ReadyNAS Remote devices displays.
5. Click the system that you want to access.
6. Enter valid ReadyNAS user or admin credentials.
Note: The credentials that you enter to access shared folders on the
system are different from your ReadyNAS Remote credentials.
Accessing shared folders requires you to enter credentials for a user
account on the system.
Your shared folders open in Windows Explorer.
You can now drag and drop files between your computer and your ReadyNAS system as
though you were on the ReadyNAS LAN.
To access shared folders using ReadyNAS Remote on a Mac computer:
1. Launch the ReadyNAS Remote client software on your computer
2. Click the ReadyNAS Remote icon in the system tray
3. From the drop-down menu that displays, select Shares.
4. From the menu that displays, select the ReadyNAS Remote device that you want to access.