System Settings
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
Configure File-Sharing Protocols
To configure global settings for file-sharing protocols:
1. Select System > Settings > Services.
Protocol buttons with a green indicator are globally enabled. Those with a gray indicator
are globally disabled. Click a protocol button to display the protocol settings screen.
2. Configure one protocol at a time, as explained in the following sections.
• Configure SMB, AFP, Rsync, or SSH on page 194.
• Configure FTP on page 195.
• Configure NFS on page 196.
• Configure HTTP on page 197.
• Configure HTTPS on page 198.
Configure SMB, AFP, Rsync, or SSH
The only option for these protocols is to enable or disable the protocol globally.
To configure SMB, AFP, Rsync, or SSH:
1. Select System > Settings > Services.
2. Click the protocol button (SMB, AFP, Rsync, or SSH).
• If the indicator is green, the protocol is enabled.
• If the indicator is gray
, the protocol is disabled.
For SSH, if you enable SSH root access, NETGEAR might deny
you technical support. If you do enable SSH root access, the SSH
root password is identical to the administrator password that you