Users and Groups
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
Cloud Users
Cloud users are users who can access your system using ReadyCLOUD or ReadyNAS
ReadyCLOUD and ReadyNAS Remote are free cloud-based services that allow users to
securely access your system from anywhere that has an Internet connection.
You can view a complete list of your system’s Cloud users by selecting Accounts > Cloud
Users on the local admin page.
Figure 9. Cloud Users list
Grant Access to Cloud Users
If you want users to access your system using both ReadyCLOUD and ReadyNAS Remote,
see Add ReadyCLOUD Users on page 71.
If you want users to access your system using ReadyNAS Remote only, see Add ReadyNAS
Remote Users on page 81.
For more information about ReadyCLOUD and ReadyNAS Remote, see Access Shared
Folders Using Cloud Services on page 68.
Cloud User Access Rights
When you grant access to ReadyCLOUD users, those users can access your ReadyNAS
system using ReadyCLOUD and ReadyNAS Remote. You use the ReadyCLOUD web portal
to configure access rights for users accessing your system from ReadyCLOUD. See Manage
Permissions for ReadyCLOUD Users on page 75.