User Manual for the NETGEAR WGE111 Wireless Game Adapter
Troubleshooting 5-5
Frequently Asked Questions
Use the information below to solve common problems you may encounter. Also, please refer to
the knowledge base on the NETGEAR Web site at http://ww.netgear.com/support/main.asp.
If you have trouble setting up your WGE111, check the tips below.
I am using a DHCP server, and the Wireless Game Adapter gets an IP address conflict.
If the wireless game adapter is left on when the DHCP server is turned off, the wireless game
adapter will retain its IP Address without informing the DHCP server. Reset the wireless game
adapter so it will obtain a new IP Address. This problem also arises if you assigned a static IP
Address within the range used by the DHCP server. If so, use another address NOT within the
range used by the DHCP server.
Be sure to observe the range and placement guidelines published in the Reference Manual.
I cannot configure the WGE111 from a browser
You did not specify the correct wireless game adapter IP address, or there could be a system
problem. Check the suggestions below and also see “Troubleshooting the Web Configuration
Interface” on page 5-6.
• Remove and reconnect the power to the wireless game adapter.
• Make sure your computer and the wireless game adapter are in the same subnet. Both IP
addresses should start with the same numbers. For example, 192.168.0.x. The subnet masks
must match. For example, both should be
• Enter the correct IP address in the address field of the browser. is the WGE111
default IP address.
Note: For the most up-to-date WGE111 installation details and troubleshooting
guidance visit http://www.netgear.com.