User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WPN111
2-4 Introd u ction
Connect to the
Internet over my
1 . A cti va te m y
wireless link and
verify m y network
2. Open an Internet
browser such as
Internet E xplorer
or N etscape
1 . A n a c ti ve I n te rn e t
connection like those from
cable or D S L service
2. A wireless network
con n e c te d to th e c a b l e or
D S L Intern et service
th rou g h a c a b le /D S L
rou ter as illu stra ted in
“C onnecting to an A ccess
P oint in Infrastructure
Mode” on page 4-2.
3. TCP/IP Internet
networking software
installed and configured
on m y P C a ccord in g to th e
requirements of the
I nternet service p rovid er.
4 . A b rowse r like I n ternet
E xplorer or N etscape
To configure your WPN111 in
I n fra s tru ctu re M o d e , s e e “B asic
Installation Instructions” on
page 3-3, a n d l o ca te th e s e c ti on
for you r version of W in d ows.
F or assistance with configuring
the TCP /IP Internet software on
a P C , see “P re p a rin g You r
Computers for TCP/IP
Networking” on page C-1 or refer
to th e P C N e twork i n g T u to ria l on
the NETGEAR RangeMax™
W ireless U S B 2 .0 A d ap ter
WPN111 Resource CD and the
H elp inform ation provided in the
W indows system you are using.
Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here
If I Want To? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I?