LED Descriptions
The front panel of the NETGEAR Model FSM7352S Layer 3 Managed Stackable Fast Ethernet Switch has
LEDs that provide a quick and accurate display of port speed, activity, and link state. The Gigabit Ethernet
SFP ports also have LEDs that show link and activity status. Table 2-1 summarizes the LEDs on the switch
and Gigabit Ethernet module.
Table 2-1. Front Panel LEDs:
Label Description
Power Solid Green- Power is supplied to the switch & operating normally
Blinking Green- Runtime code load in progress
Solid Yellow- POST in progress.
Blinking Yellow- POST fail or CPU fail.
Off- Power is Disconnected.
Solid Red- Fan has failed
Off- Fan is present and operating normally
Green on- Switch is operating normally
Amber on- Switch has failed to bootup
Master Green on – Switch is the master of the stack
Amber on – Switch is not the master of the stack
Off – Swicth is not part of a stack
48-10/100M Ports
One LED /Port
• OFF- No 10/100Mbps link is established on the port.
• Solid Green- A valid 100Mbps link is established on the port.
• Blinking Green- Packets transmission or reception is occurring on the
port at 100Mbps.
• Solid Yellow- A valid 10Mbps link is established on the port.
• Blinking Yellow- Packets transmission or reception is occurring on the
port at 10Mbps.
4-10/100/1000M Ports
Three LED / Port
• OFF- No 10/100/1000Mbps link is established on the port.
• Solid Green- A valid 1000Mbps link is established on the port.
• Solid Yellow- A valid 10/100Mbps link is established on the port.
• Blinking Green- Packets transmission or reception is occurring on the
port at 1000Mbps.
• Blinking Yellow- Packets transmission or reception is occurring on the
port at 10/100Mbps.
Stack LED :
• Green- Stack port has a valid link connection.
• OFF- Stack port does not have a valid link connection
SFP Port (1000M bps only)
• Solid Green- Link up
• Blink Green- Activity, transmitting or receiving packet in link up status
• Off- No Link detected
Console Port
Your NETGEAR Model FSM7352S Layer 3 Managed Stackable Fast Ethernet Switch has a console port
on the front panel. This port is labeled Console and is required for initial management configuration of
the switch. It also lets you manage the switch using a directly connected VT-100 terminal, personal
computer (PC), Apple Macintosh, or UNIX workstation. The terminal, computer, or workstation connects to
the console port using the null-modem cable supplied with your switch.
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