A Road Map for ‘How to Get There From Here’
The introduction and adoption of any new technology can be a difficult process.
Wireless technology has removed one of the barriers to networking: running
wires. It allows more people to try networking while at the same time exposes
them to the inherent complexity of networking. General networking concepts, set
up, and maintenance can be difficult to understand. In addition, wireless
technology adds issues, such as range, interference, signal quality, and security to
the picture.
To help overcome potential barriers to successfully using wireless networks, the
table below identifies how to accomplish such things as connecting to a wireless
network, assuring appropriate security measures are taken, browsing the Internet
through your wireless connection, exchanging files with other computers, and
using printers in the combined wireless and wired network.
Table 1-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here ...
If I Want To... ? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I?
Connect to a
1. Identify the
network name
(SSID) and, if
used the
2. Set up the
Wireless USB
Adapter with
the settings
from step 1.
1. A wireless network
2. A PC within the
operating range of the
wireless network. For
guidelines about the
range of 802.11b
wireless networks,
please see “Observe
Location and Range
Guidelines” on page 10.
To set up the MA101,
see Chapter 2,
“Installing the MA101
802.11b Wireless
USB Adapter” and
follow the
To learn about
wireless networking
technology, please
see Appendix B,
“802.11b Wireless
Networking Basics”
for a general