XEPS103 Space-Saving Powerline Network Extender User Guide
v1.0, February 2007
To install the PowerLine Encryption Utility, follow these steps:
1. Insert the XEPS103 Resource CD into a CD drive on the computer that is connected to your
router. The CD starts automatically. The following screen is displayed:
If the CD does not start automatically:
• Go to My Computer on the Windows Start menu, and double-click the drive that contains
the XEPS103 Resource CD or
• Select the CD drive and click on the Autorun.exe executable file.
2. Click Install Encryption Utility. A dialog will give you the choice between installing from the
CD, or checking for an upgrade. If you click the Check for Upgrade button, the CD software
will check a Netgear server for a newer version of the utility. If found, the newer version will
be downloaded and run. If the utility on the CD is up-to-date, or you click the Install from CD
button, the setup program on the CD will be run.
Figure 1-3