
Rescan Only used in infrastructure mode, click on this button to allow the wireless
node to start scanning the wireless channels for an access point again.
Throughput (Bytes/sec) Tx The current transmit data transfer rate of the wireless node.
Throughput (Bytes/sec) Rx The current receive data transfer rate of the wireless node.
Signal Strength Signal Strength indicates the signal strength of the radio frequency signal
received by the wireless node.
Link Quality Link Quality indicates how well that the wireless node is communicating
with the associated access point or another wireless node.
Network Mode Configurable between 802.11 ad-hoc, ad-hoc, and infrastructure modes. In
802.11 ad hoc mode, the wireless nodes form their own local network where the
end nodes communicate peer-to-peer without an access point. Ad-hoc mode offers
higher data throughput than 802.11 ad hoc mode; but it does not use beacon or
Note: When in 802.11 Ad-hoc mode, Link Quality and Signal Strength indicators
will not be available.
In infrastructure mode, the wireless searches all available wireless channels to
associate with an access point.
SSID Enter a 32-character (maximum) service set ID in this field. The characters are
case sensitive. When the wireless node is operating in ad hoc mode, this field
operates as the basic service set ID (BSS ID). All wireless nodes in the same
network should use the same BSS ID.
When in infrastructure mode, this field defines the extended service set ID (ESS
ID). The ESS ID assigned to the wireless node is required to match the access
point ESS ID for the wireless node to communicate with the access point.
Tx Rate The Tx Rate field allows you to define the data transfer rate. The default value is
Fully Automatic. In this case, the best transfer rate is negotiated between the
wireless node and the device it is communicating with. This could be another
wireless node or an access point. Other possible values for this field are 1Mbps,
2Mbps, 5.5Mbps, and 11Mbps.
PS Mode Power saving mode. This enables the wireless node to control its wireless power
consumption. The two possible settings are Enable and Disable.
Channel Only valid in ad-hoc mode, this field defines the wireless channel to use. In
infrastructure mode, the wireless node automatically searches through all
available wireless channels for an access point to be associated with. It is not
necessary to select the wireless channel when operating in infrastructure mode.