Management Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no snmp-server community
Use this command to remove this community name from the table. The <name> is the
community name to be deleted.
Format no snmp-server community <name>
snmp-server community ipaddr
Use this command to set a client IP address for an SNMP community. The address is the
associated community SNMP packet sending address and is used along with the client IP
mask value to denote a range of IP addresses from which SNMP clients might use that
community to access the device. A value of allows access from any IP address.
Otherwise, this value is ANDed with the mask to determine the range of allowed client IP
addresses. The name is the applicable community name.
Format snmp-server community ipaddr <ipaddr> <name>
no snmp-server community ipaddr
Use this command to set a client IP address for an SNMP community to The name is
the applicable community name.
Format no snmp-server community ipaddr <name>
snmp-server community ipmask
Use this command to set a client IP mask for an SNMP community. The address is the
associated community SNMP packet sending address and is used along with the client IP
address value to denote a range of IP addresses from which SNMP clients might use that
community to access the device. A value of will allow access from only one
• Public and private, which you can rename.
• Default values for the remaining four community names are blank.
Format snmp-server community <name>
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config