Get Started
M6100 Series Switches
Start ezconfig and Configure the Switch
You can enter ezconfig either in Global Config mode (#) or in Display mode (>).
At any point in the setup, you can type Q to abort the program. ezconfig checks for any
changes and prompts you to save the changes.
To start ezconfig and configure the switch:
1. Enter the ezconfig command.
The utility displays the following text:
(Switch) >ezconfig
NETGEAR EZ Configuration Utility
Hello and Welcome!
This utility will walk you through assigning the IP address for the switch management
CPU. It will allow you to save the changes at the end. After the session, simply use
the newly assigned IP address to access the Web GUI using any public domain Web
Admin password not defined. Do you want to assign the admin password (password length
should vary in a range of 8 - 64 characters)? (Y/N/Q)
You are prompted to change the admin password.
2. For security reasons, change the default password by typing Y, typing a new password, and
confirming the password.
If you already set the password and do not want to change it again, type N.
Enter new password:********
Confirm new password:********
Password Changed!
The 'enable' password required for switch configuration through the command line
interface is currently not configured. Do you wish to change it (Y/N/Q)? y
Enter new password:********
Confirm new password:********
Password Changed!
You are prompted to set up the IP address of the switch.
3. Set up the IP address of the switch, either manually (type C) or through DHCP (type D):
Assigning an IP address to your switch management
Current IP Address Configuration
IP Address Assignment Mode: None
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Default Router IP:
IP address is not assigned. What do you want to do?
C - Configure IP address manually.
D - Assign IP address for the switch using DHCP mode (current IP address will be