Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no random-detect queue-parms
Use this command to set the WRED configuration back to the default.
Format no random-detect queue-parms queue-id-1 [queue-id-2 … queue-id-n]
• Global Config
• Interface Config
This command specifies the maximum transmission bandwidth limit for the interface as a
whole. Also known as rate shaping, traffic shaping has the effect of smoothing temporary
traffic bursts over time so that the transmitted traffic rate is bounded.
Format traffic-shape <bw>
• Global Config
• Interface Config
no traffic-shape
This command restores the interface shaping rate to the default value.
Format no traffic-shape
• Global Config
• Interface Config
show classofservice dot1p-mapping
This command displays the current Dot1p (802.1p) priority mapping to internal traffic classes
for a specific interface. The <slot/port> parameter is optional and is only valid on
platforms that support independent per-port Class of Service mappings. If specified, the
802.1p mapping table of the interface is displayed. If omitted, the most recent global
configuration settings are displayed. For more information, see Voice VLAN Commands on
page 62
Format show classofservice dot1p-mapping [<slot/port>]
The following information is repeated for each user priority.
User Priority
Traffic Class
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
The 802.1p user priority value.
The traffic class internal queue identifier to which the user priority value is mapped.